
Gender Test

Plumber's Crack sent me a link today that I thought was very interesting. It was a test to see if I could determine the gender of people by looking at a picture of them. I challenge you (my blog viewing audience) to take the same test and post your results on the comments link below. I got 8 out of 12 correct (66%).

Click here for gender test .... Good luck!


Hindsight Is 20/20

Pretty sure we had a great time bowling on Wednesday. As soon as I can find the scores I'll post them. If you were out with me after bowling, and you can read this... get well soon.


Fang Fingers

My buds and I stopped in at Two Doors Down Friday to pass a little time before a big night of screw your neighbor (I'll get to that in a second). Six beers in, and guess who comes and sits next to us but a couple of your NASH-VILLE PREDATORS! The best I can tell, from left to right, this is Greg Pogue (Sports radio WNSR), Scott Hartnell, Vernon Fiddler, & Pete Weber (Predators play by play). Once the show got kicking, it was time to go. Nothing better than sitting next to 8' tall speakers and listening to a bunch of Canadians missing teeth talk about ice skating, zambonis, & 1 to nothing wins aye! Besides it was time to go play screw your neighbor.

This is the aftermath of a big ass woopin put on by Mr. Don. Sorry about the lighting, all pics by me are taken from a camera phone. The game is called Screw Your Neighbor or F#%@ Your Buddy. I won't bore you with the details of how to play, but let's just say any "Joe Cardplayer" could make it to the the final table of a "World Series of Screw Your Neighbor" tournament. There was plenty of the two food groups (food & beer) and lots of fun. Thanks to Special K & Momma for hosting.


Phoenix Bowling Night 1/18/06

As you can see, the Phoenix Crew (or Bus' Bunch as we're known at the lanes) had a pretty solid night of bowling with all participants ending with averages above 110. Tom Malloy did mention he wasn't worried about any of us quitting our current positions to pursue a bowling career. Very true, but there has been signs of improvement in our bowling. Mr. Don picked up a couple of the Strike and Spare Poker pots. & Bus raked his first pot since we've been bowling. Big ups to my bowling peeps. Hope to see a good turn out next week.

Perfect form but probably didn't convert on the split.

photos by Barry Septer

I know what your thinking, Big A sure does play a lot of cards while he drinks. No, this is what a game of Strike and Spare Poker looks like in progress. After throwing a strike or spare you draw a card. Best 5 card hand wins the pot. Beer is optional but should be mandatory. If you do a little investigating the best scores don't always produce the best poker hand as evidence shows in the third game. I throw a 197 , Mr. Don throws a 136 and he rakes the pot, big jerk.


Phoenix Bowling Night 1/11/06

Wednesday was a huge night for Big A, coming off some disappointing performances in the past. Good scores or bad, it was a fun time had by all. Brian Adams & Tom Malloy made appearances to witness the incredible bowling on hand. Along with the good bowling, Big A also racked up every pot in the Strike & Spare Poker game. To his defense, he did pick up dinner @ McCabes Pub after leaving the bowling alley. Everyone is invited next Wednesday to join or watch these true athletes.


Post Race Activities

Have you ever cracked your first beer around 2:00 Saturday afternoon, kept drinking before, during, and after your first Nascar race then got your kicks sitting around yelling at passing R.V.'s with your buds, waiting on traffic to clear after the race? Or how 'bout this...do any of your friends wear beer buckets on their heads? Me neither, I don't know why I thought of that.