My buds and I stopped in at
Two Doors Down Friday to pass a little time before a big night of
screw your neighbor (I'll get to that in a second). Six beers in, and guess who comes and sits next to us but a couple of your NASH-VILLE PREDATORS! The best I can tell, from left to right, this is
Greg Pogue (Sports radio WNSR),
Scott Hartnell,
Vernon Fiddler, &
Pete Weber (Predators play by play). Once the show got kicking, it was time to go. Nothing better than sitting next to 8' tall speakers and listening to a bunch of Canadians missing teeth talk about ice skating, zambonis, & 1 to nothing wins aye! Besides it was time to go play screw your neighbor.
This is the aftermath of a big ass woopin put on by Mr. Don. Sorry about the lighting, all pics by me are taken from a camera phone. The game is called Screw Your Neighbor or F#%@ Your Buddy. I won't bore you with the details of how to play, but let's just say any "Joe Cardplayer" could make it to the the final table of a "World Series of Screw Your Neighbor" tournament. There was plenty of the two food groups (food & beer) and lots of fun. Thanks to Special K & Momma for hosting.