
Little Egypt Off Road Trials

Below are a couple videos from the ITSA trials from Little Egypt in Illinois. Sorry about not posting any pictures, they all turned out blurry. I took a close up picture of something lying on the ground and the grass in the picture was blurry because it was growing too fast.

First video is Captain Dick in a mean little C section. I couldn't clean this one all day, unless you count my 4th loop.

Below is the longest single section ever captured on film (or whatever video is captured on these days). It took me 4 hours to upload this video. Good ride Brent. And special thanks to Brad for riding this particular section before I rode it. Would have never payed any attention to the low hanging tree if you wouldn't have found it for me.

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During me and Captain's ride on Saturday at Screwboy's house, Screwboy's new neighbor asked if me and Captain would watch as her husband cut down a dead tree on their property. I took this as an opportunity to snap a few photos and a video of the world's slowest falling tree.

The woodpecker above had no fear as mean ol' neighbor cut down his home.

Here he is now dressed like Bob the Builder.

The tree was not going down without a fight. can you see the chain pinched in the tree?

Here's the video commentary:
Captain : It's goin', It's goin' Dave.......It's fallin' the whole time, It's fallin' right now.
Neighbor's Wife: It's not falling fast enough.
Me : YO!!
(Tree falls)
Crowd: Cool! (cheers)
Neighbor : (Chuckling)