Sunday Drive
Here are the results of our golf outing Sunday. We fought our way through a thunderstorm to post these unbelievable scores. I have never seen a course where the ground was this hard. You could literally roll one off the tee box and end up with a 250 yard drive. And watch your ball until it stops bouncing and rolling completely or you will lose your ball even if you land in the middle of the fairway.
Some of the highlights include Mr Don claiming to be the Skipper while riding with the Captain after Mr Don skipped his second shot off the pond two times on number nine. Captain hit a sky high drive on the number 6 par three and it came down in a tree on the right side of the green and rolled 40 yards across the rough and the green to land on a rock wall on the left side of the green.
I may have posted the best score but I had a little edge over the rest of the guys after I bought a pair of $3.95 socks in the clubhouse. It's gotta be the socks....